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Rookery Farm Conveyance

Discarded by L.B.B. & D.

Land Terrier Project Team 1996                                                         ABSTRACT OF THE TITLE


                                    THE MAYOR ALDERMAN AND BURGESSES

                                    OF THE COUNTY BOROUGH OF WEST HAM


                                    to Freehold Premises situate on the west

                                    side of the Wantz Stream, near Ballards

                                      Road, Dagenham in the County of Essex.



          29th September 1894               BY CONVEYANCE of this date between John McAndrew of Hartfield in the City of Sussex Esquire                                                                and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning of East Grinstead in the same City of Sussex Esquire (1) Ann                                                                Cuthbert DuPre of Netherton Norham Road in the City of Oxford Widow (2) and The Mayor                                                                            Alderman and Burgesses of the Borough of West Ham (thereafter sometimes called “the said                                                                            Corporation”) (3)

































































IT WAS WITNESSED that for effectuating the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of £5,000 upon the examination of those presentments to the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning paid by the said Corporation (the rest whereof the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning thereby acknowledged) and of the premises they the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning as trustees did and each of them did thereby grant unto the said Corporation their successors and assigns.















AND the said Corporation did thereby covenant with the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning theirs heirs and assigns that the said Corporation would at all times thereafter indemnify and keep indemnified the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning and each of them and their heirs executors administrators the estate and effects of them and of each of them against all the receipts and claims of the said George Rutt and of all persons claiming through him under the said agreement of 31st October 1892 AND the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning did and each of them did thereby acknowledge the receipt of the Corporation to the production of the deeds and documents specified in the Seconded Schedule thereto and to delivery of copies thereof



                       THE FIRST SCHEDULE above referred to


ALL that messuage or farmhouse with the outbuildings and the several closes or parcels of land known as Rookery Farm and the piece of accommodation land near thereto site in the Parish of Dagenham in the City of Essex and comprising in the whole 117 acres 3 roods 37 perches or thereabouts as the same were delineated or shown on the map or plan thereon and therein cold green and were more particularly described as follows that is to say


No on Plan        Description


    842                 Meadow


(Together with or property not the subject of this abstract)



                                     THE SECOND SCHEDULE above referred to


                                  1849 April 27th              INDENTURE OF SETTLEMENT            between John Cuthbert Joyner  (1)

                                                                                                                                                    The Revd Vicesimus Knox Child

                                                                                                                                               and Arthur William English    (2)


                                  1868 December 2nd       INDENTURE (endorsed                             Mary Knox Joyner, the said    (1)

                                                                         on and Indenture of                                         Alfred William English        (2)

                                                                         27th April 1847)                                             and John McAndrew             (3)


                                  1871 July 13th               INDENTURE (endorsed                              said Arthur William English

                                                                        on said Indenture of                                        and said John McAndrew      (1)

                                                                        27th April 1849)                                             and William McAndrew         (2)


                                 1874 Sept 14th               INDENTURE (endorsed                               the said John Mc Andrew and

                                                                        on said Indenture of                                     William McAndrew and the     (1)

                                                                       27th April 1847                                             said William Vicesimus Knox

                                                                                                                                              Stenning                                   (2)



                                                                        Execution by the said John McAndrew  William V.K. Stenning


                                                                       And Ann Cuthbert DuPre and attested



                               (Various memoranda endorsed on the aforesaid Indenture, but none of them are

                               the subject of this abstract).



           Attached Rookery Farm Plan, 1894

Original produced and

examined at the Town

Clerks office, London

Borough of West Ham.

The 10th October 1968

Kieth Landen

Town Clerk



Reciting that by an Indenture dated 27th April 1849 made between John Cuthbert Joyner of the one part and  Vicesimus Knox Child and Arthur William English of the other part the hereditaments thereinafter described and  expressed to be thereby granted together with other  hereditaments were by their description conveyed and    assured unto and to the use of the said Vicesimus Knox  Child and Arthur William English their heirs and assigns  upon trust for Mary Knox Joyner during her life with remainder upon trust for the said John Cuthbert Joyner and his assigns during his life with remainder up to one equal undivided third part thereof in trust for Mary Child Stenning during her life as therein mentioned and after her death upon trusts therein expressed and as to one other equal undivided third part thereof in trust for Elizabeth Child Jephson during her life as therein mentioned as after her death upon the trusts therein mentioned and as to the remaining equal undivided third part thereof upon trust for the said Ann Cuthbert DuPre during her life for her separate use without power of anticipation and after her death upon the trusts therein mentioned and it was by the said Indenture provided that it should be lawful for the trustees or trustee for the time being with the consent in writing of the said John Cuthbert Joyner and Mary Knox Joyner or the survivor of them and after the decease of such survivor with the consent in writing of the said Mary Child Stenning Elizabeth Child Jephson and Ann Cuthbert DuPre or the survivors or survivor of them to sell all or any part of the said hereditaments and premises thereby conveyed and assured as aforesaid and in the said Indenture was contained a power to appoint a new trustee or new trustees thereof in the place of any trustee or trustees therein mentioned or to be appointed under such powers who should among other things die or desire to be discharged from the trusts thereof.

AND RECITING the death of the said John Cuthbert Joyner of the 5th January 1851 and of the said Vicesimus Knox Child on the 1st July 1868

AND RECITING that by an Indenture dated 2nd December 1868 endorsed on the recited Indenture of 22nd April 1849 and made between the said Mary Knox Joyner of the first part the said Arthur William English of the second part and the said John McAndrew of the third part in exercise of the said power in that behalf contained in the said Indenture of the 27th April 1849 the said John McAndrew was appointed to be a trustee of such Indenture in the place of the said Vicesimus Knox Child and by the said Indenture then recited the hereditaments comprised in and assured by the said Indenture of the 27th April 1849 were conveyed and assured to the use of the said Arthur William English and John McAndrew their heirs and assigns upon the trusts by upon and with which the same ought to be held by virtue of the said Indenture of Agreement.


AND RECITING the death of the said Mary Knox Joyner on the 10th October 1870

AND RECITING that by an Indenture dated 13th July 1871 endorsed on the previously recited Indenture of 27th April 1849 and made between the said Arthur William English and John McAndrew of the one part and William McAndrew of the other part in exercise of the said power in that behalf contained in the said Indenture of 27th April 1849 the said William McAndrew was appointed to be a trustee thereof in the place of the said Arthur William English who was desirous of being discharged and by the said Indenture then recited the hereditaments comprised in and assured by the said Indenture of 27th April 1849 were conveyed and assured to the use of the said John McAndrew and William McAndrew their heirs and assigns upon the then subsisting trusts or the same Indenture


AND RECITING the death of the said Elizabeth Child Jephson on 13th May 1872

AND RECITING that by an Indenture dated 14th September 1874 endorsed on the said Indenture of 27th April 1869 and made between the said John McAndrew and William McAndrew of the one part and the said William Vicesimus Knox Stenning of the other part the said William Vicesimus Knox Stenning was in exercise of the said power in that behalf contained in the said Indenture of 27th April, 1849 appointed trustee thereof in the place of the said William McAndrew who was desirous of being discharged and by the said Indenture then in recital the said hereditaments comprised in the said Indenture of 27th April 1849 (except a certain small part thereof not the subject of this abstract) were conveyed and assured to the use of the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning their heirs and assigns upon the then subsisting trusts of the said Indenture

AND RECITING the death of the said Mary Child Stenning on 12th February 1891

AND RECITING agreement for sale of the premises thereby conveyed in fee simple free from incumbents except as thereinafter mentioned for the sum of £5,000 to include satisfaction and compensation for all damage and injury which the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning might sustain in respect of loss of trade and goodwill of business damage to fixtures and fittings expenses of removal and to any or damage or injury loss or inconvenience whatsoever whether permanent temporary or recurring sustained by covering the property purchased from or property of in the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning or by otherwise injuriously affecting such or property by the exercise of the powers of the Public Health Act, 1875 and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts 1845/1860 and 1869.

ALL that messuage or farmhouse with the outbuildings and the several closes or parcels of land known as Rookery Farm and the piece of accommodation land near thereto with the mines and minerals under the same site in the Parish of Dagenham in the City of Essex and comprising in the whole 117 acres 3 roods 30 perches or thereabouts as the same were descended in the First Schedule thereunder written and delineated in the plan drawn thereon and therein cold green.

TO HOLD the same unto and to the use of the Corporation subject to all tithe tithe rent charge and land tax and to the annual sum of 3/- payable to the Lord of the Manor of Barking and to an agreement dated 31st October 1892 and made between the said John McAndrew and William Vicesimus Knox Stenning (1) and George Rutt (2) whereby the same was let to the said George Rutt for the term of 3 years from the 29th September 1892 and unless notice in writing should be given by either side on or before the 29th September 1894 to continue as a yearly tenancy from year to year until twelve months notice to quit should be given on either side at the yearly rent of £240 but with the benefit of such agreement.

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